Benefits of Partnering with Grow Golf Now to Bring Junior Golf to Your Organization
Golf is a great game for kids to learn - especially at a young age. And city, county, or community recreation department can be the perfect place for kids and their families to be introduced to the game. But unlike other youth sports, golf can be a little tricky when it comes to getting started with programs. That's why we are here to help! Below are just a few of the many benefits that Grow Golf Now can offer children, families, and recreation departments.
Parks & Rec Director Aaron Davis talks about his experience of bringing golf to his Rec Department through partnership with Grow Golf Now.
A junior golf program made easy and fun
Introducing and operating a junior golf program can be challenging for a recreation department. That's why our programs are deigned to fit your department's model and include support from golf industry experts. Grow Golf Now programs are designed for children ages 5-14+ and are great for beginners. Learn more.
Help families spend more time together
At Grow Golf Now, we believe that a golf experience is meant to include your ENTIRE family regardless of whether you all play golf or not. Golf means more time together as a family. And these days most families could use an extra 1-2 hours of family time together each week. Learn more.
Give kids more time outside in nature
If your organization has initiatives to get kids active and outside more often, then we are here to help! Golf presents a great opportunity to get children away from screens and experiencing nature. And that does NOT require having a full-size golf course on your property.
Help kids make new friends
Good friendships are not always easy to come by. But some of the best friendships in one's lifetime can created through the game of golf. Think about it. Kids that are outside, having fun, and sharing the experience of learning something new with other kids their own age are naturally going to form a common bond. Learn more.
Improve family exercise & wellness
When played properly, golf gets kids and families MOVING. The game of golf is meant to be played walking. Golfers walking nine holes easily walk up over 2.5-3 miles and burn in excess of 400-600 calories. Just think about the impact that could have on your families in your area even if it just once a week. Grow Golf Now can help your organization take family wellness to a new level. Learn more.
Boost community economic impact
Grow Golf Now programs involve partnering with local PUBLIC golf facilities. Many such facilities are locally owned, small businesses. Collectively, public golf facilities all across America employ tens of thousands of people and make valuable contributions to local economies. By partnering with Grow Golf Now, your organization can help public golf facilities to better serve your local community. Learn more.